Power Over Drama. Emergencies Require Calm

Life brings us enough drama but we only add fuel to the fire when we go into stress and fretful thinking. I believe there is a more sustainable option…. A way of thinking and responding from a place of solidarity, able to focus on the task at hand and be present in each moment.

In this episode, Power Over Drama. Emergencies Require Calm - I’m going to help you unleash your superpower. The superpower of calm.

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There is No Half Way Believing

You know the things you believe to be true about yourself and about life affect every decision you make. So how do we start fully believing something so that it permeates every area of our lives?

In this episode you’ll learn how to discern when your beliefs aren’t fully aligned and how simple it is to transform your thoughts and tap into a greater flow for your life.

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How to Form or Clarify an Opinion

….So when someone else challenges that belief system, it has the potential to shake the very core of who we are.

Most people don’t like being shaken to the core. It’s uncomfortable, it’s confronting and unravelling and therefore it’s one of the most bravest things you could ever do.... To have a well formed opinion, we must take our natural belief system and question if the opposite could be true.

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Asking for a Pay Rise

Do you feel uncomfortable and perhaps even fearful at the thought of asking for a pay rise? But why? Why are we so afraid to ask for more money? Is it fear of failure? Afraid of ‘No?’

But Even a ‘No’ gets you closer to a ‘yes’. So tune in to learn how to open up this conversation and take authority over your future and advocate for yourself.

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Magical Motivation Time

The truth is, people who perform at the top of their game don’t wait for motivation. They ask a more powerful question.

In this episode I’m going to break down the mythical creature of motivation and give you four powerful and practical tips that you can implement in your life. You’ll learn about the importance of visualisation, trusting in your intuition and how to ask yourself the right questions.

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Worried this is not going to last?

This gets to be your new bottom-line. You don't get out of bed for less-than this now, that is if you choose it. You've been at this for a long time, and you deserve every bit of the good that's here. This is not a fluke.

Your decision. YOU DECIDE this is a new normal. You get your whole ass behind it and make the choice to keep it here, in a way that feels easier than doing anything else.

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