How does it feel to be Programmed to Win?

No fear + No Doubts + Clear purpose + Action = Re-creating YOUR world from inside out, forever



A course in power. Personal Power.

Unlock your full potential as a leader.

Feel Calm AF under fire

Play bigger in your field.

Become someone to watch, to hear and to share.

Create a life of long-term, sustainable success

Free your mind and deepen your critical thinking skills

Find pleasure under pressure

…for the rest of your life.


When you're under pressure to perform, how do you show up? Do you stand up and shine, or are you steeped in self-doubt and forgetful of what you are here to do?

How do you respond to the world when things are growing, happening, changing steadfastly, and while you still have an aim in your life, you're forced to balance being in the moment, with what is (or what isn’t yet) being presented to you, with staying the course? When tragedy strikes, when something you were relying on falls through, when someone drops a metaphorical bomb, when you're not feeling the way you'd imagined you'd feel when it's time to get in and do the thing, or when the landscape of the world (or your bank account) changes in a heartbeat?

How you respond is always up to you, and how you respond is everything.

It's funny, most people think merely practicing something enough (when there's no pressure) makes it all the easier when there IS pressure.

It couldn't be further from the truth.

I won 9 Karate world titles because I trained from a state of chaos. Not because I fought in a dojo longer than my competitors.

I was programmed to win.

You will find your greatest capacity for power in this life at two times:

1. When you have the greatest adversity presented to you, and you’re pressured to find your power.
2. When you decide to create it before you need it - so the rest becomes easy.

During this transformational deep-dive with me, I'm going to help you understand what winning, and power is really about - so you can gift yourself with the pleasure of feeling like a winner no matter the circumstances.


Winning has nothing to do with competition.

On the surface, and what looks great to most of the world, are the trophies, the accolades, the big numbers, the beautiful photographs, the followings, the awards, the income, the recognition, the glitz and glam ( and apparent exclusivity of the winner

(Yes - I'll show you how to reach those, as I have done so with many before you)…

But winning, the key to winning is something cellular.

It goes beyond even caring about those things at all. It dives much deeper into the psyche of the person who is willing to stand at the forefront and take the risk of failure. To risk winning. To risk becoming a winner and everything that level of leadership means for your life.

Even if you believe you’ve never experienced power, and winning (which can be triggering words for sure) - somewhere deep inside of you, we both know that while there’s a fear of not being powerful, there’s an equal amount of fear around what happens when we do.

To have 15 minutes of fame is not what I am teaching here.
This is about expanding your capacity to hold power.

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Winning & Power. Taboo topics... I get it.

Winning and power can be triggering words. At times when we feel the least powerful, it’s often seemingly at the hands of someone, or something who has more control over us than we do. Like there’s a certain amount of power available on the planet, and right now the scales are tipped out of favour. Winning can bring up similar meanings - in some cases it implies there’s a loser. These words trigger give and take. A zero-sum mentality and equation where one person has less, if another has more.

We’re going to blow this out of the park.

You’re about to feel more powerful and like a winner than you ever have before, know how to return there whenever life steps up a knotch, and know in your bones it’s the best thing you can do for yourself, your family, and the planet.

Whether you feel triggered, or turned on by these words, I’m here to help you reclaim, or re-energise your ownership of your life.

When you can hold power - without fading or burning out, without collapsing under pressure, or releasing that pressure with misaligned behaviours, you become someone over time who people trust to lead from the front, in a way that will change the world.

When you hold power, you can see and draw it out in others, you can attract it, walk beside it, and create even more of it. It’s a universal resource.

But even if changing the world isn’t exactly on your radar - perhaps you’d just like to be able to get through the day without taking your anger out on your kids, or to be able to stand up for yourself in a boardroom, or not go crazy in lockdown, or freak out over an unexpected bill…

Programmed to Win will teach you to create your own definition of success, love, mastery, and high performance, and shape your world from the inside out when you learn the skill of holding power. When you hold power, you become magnetic to everything you could possibly ever want.

When you become magnetic, you start to fulfil your own hopes and dreams. And when you are fulfilled, you naturally overflow with love, presence, and power that you can gift to others from a sustainable place.

We need you in your power right now. The world needs you to be happy.


Programmed to Win,

is about Freedom.

I want to share with you a story.

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As a martial artist, we had a practice we called "Train from Behind." It means to train like you're under pressure and to simulate experiences you may be faced with in reality. We'd set up a ring, and a 30-second timer, and we would fight our opponent in a simulated tournament environment as though we were three points down, and we had 30-seconds on the clock, and it was the Finale of the World Titles we had been training two years for.

We would fight in that moment, as though we had thirty, mere little seconds to reclaim the last two years of training, under the pressure that had surmounted from the points being collected on your head by our opponents, and to win back the title we had traveled across the world to take. Our training team would scream like they were the audience, and our sparring partner would fight you like it was their last shot at life, just desperate to keep you from scoring any points in 30-seconds, as though that’s all they had to do to win - because they were already ahead.

I never thought it'd really happenIt was such an obscure drill to practise and I wanted to stay “positive”…

And then it did happen. I was literally 2 points down in a fight to get to the finals, faced with needing to make up the difference with 30 seconds on the clock. 30 seconds, and it was all over for me. I had traveled from Australia to England. My opponent relaxed. She knew all she had to do was block my attacks - because if I couldn't get the points, she won.

Thankfully, in the dead of night for weeks on end and for no apparent reason, I had trained from this place. I knew what to do, and it completely took her by surprise.

Hayley Carr- 9 times World Karate Champion - Leadership and Life Coach

To the audience watching, it was the greatest comeback. To the athlete, it was a training drill that played out perfectly. Rehearsal is key.

All kinds of weird stuff changes in your body when you're under pressure. When you're 'in the ring'. When adrenaline is pumping through your veins or time is limited, or people are watching. The things that feel so easy in the safe isolation of your own private space suddenly require all of your energy to do, while your energy feels at half the capacity.

After this, I spent many years attending different intense speaker and leadership trainings where we'd simulate real-life scenarios in the Australian bush, and have to act without knowing what was going to happen next. From war scenes, to the Olympics, to building empires in kingdoms in the 1700s and being faced with death, disease, debts and all kinds of other challenges. There were props, costumes, music, noises, lights, people playing characters, and we were often sleep-deprived, too. It was very real.

Afterwards, we'd debrief how we showed up so we could learn from the experience, and take to the 'real game' of life, what we'd learned. One time, I "died" very suddenly in one of these games. It was life-changing to realise how quickly things can be over. That's a story for another time though.

Every time I sing on stage, I sound nothing like I sound in the shower. (you too!?) My voice croaks, I can't hit the same notes easily, and my arms feel heavy as lead. Every time I sing in front of other people (Like I do at every speaking gig I do), it gets a little easier, a little less awkward, but it's never the same than in the safety of my own perfectly acoustic, steamy shower.



One of the most powerful feelings you can cultivate is a sense of knowing that no matter what happens, you’ll be ok.


That’s why Programmed to Win exists

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The 5 Keys to Creating Anything you Want.

In this transformational deep-dive with me, you're going to experience what a quantum leap in your thinking looks, and feels like.

The kind that has you look back on your life a few months ago, and not recognise the person you see in the mirror. The fears and doubts about what you were capable of no longer even feel like you.

You’re going to learn how to apply this for the two scenario’s when it’s hardest to apply.

1. When shit hits the fan. It’s easier to feel powerful when everything is sunshine and rainbows and glitter farts and everything is peachy, clear, and home-free, but in the times when you want to crawl into a ball or drink a bottle of something to yourself over a bowl of M&M’s, this will be useful.

2. When it’s too good to be true. When it is almost literally glitter farts and rainbows and life is awesome. I know this sounds bonkers, but would you believe that some of the most powerful people on the planet are also the most lonely? When we can’t hold power - we can’t see it, we can’t walk beside it, we can’t accept it, we criticise it or throw it away. One of the resistances people have to learning about winning and power, is their fear of success. We fear becoming an ass-hat. Or to ever come across like someone powerful they once knew who wasn’t very nice to them. We’re afraid of losing the people we love. How do we hold power when it makes others uncomfortable? How do we hold power when power triggers so many people for very real reasons? What do we do with these projections?

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We’ll complete this solid performance training together via pre-recorded trainings, audio’s for on-the-go personal upgrades, journaling prompts and processes to take yourself through. These will teach you both the practical tools and strategies, as well as the mindset support. Because they all matter.


And you can keep this course forever. All this material, plus all of the updates that will be added to the course over time. This is a game of life, after all.

All our training will be based on these five keys to give you the mindset work, and the practical work:

1 - Having a clear purpose and clarity of mind. Understanding how to think and what to think, so you're on the front foot and leading your own mind, not being distracted by what's around you, but creating your world from the inside out.

2 - Taking aligned action with that purpose. Acting with Confidence. Being utterly willing to fail, and to know what to do with that failure so it reaps a reward of equal value.

3 - Being willing to do whatever it takes and finding ways for your mindset to stand the test of time. This is where I’m going to teach you on your own, your rules for life, business, relationships - everything at once - that will take you through all the seasons of life. It is what has these first two keys crystallise to become your everyday being. This is the tipping point to solidifying the sustainability of this work.

4 - Dealing with inevitable adversity with an open mind, a clear heart, and an understanding of not only how to “get through it” but how to do the deeper self-actualising that has you better off for experiencing a setback. I promise, you will become excited when you hit roadblocks when you look at things in this way!

5 - The nature of being in a consistent state of high level peak performance, ease, wealth-consciousness, and flow. This final piece is where we take the intangible, and bring it to life. You get to enjoy the freedom and exponential success of being consistently tapped-into the quantum. An extreme state of trust, awareness, on-point intuition and deep presence, which fuels the existence of a winner in every cell of her being, through all of her pursuits.

Plus, two new modules for depth & specificity around two particularly relevant areas of life.

  1. Money

  2. Feeling physically & mentally restricted in particular circumstances.


You are so supported

We have got you

This course is going to give you so much freedom, from wherever you are starting.

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Programmed to win will change the way you 'show up' in your life, moment to moment, day to day, breath by breath, and when life takes unexpected turns.

Programmed to win will teach you how to think your way through difficulty, to create the experiences you desire using the intrinsic power of your own brain (yes, all brains), to lead from a place of certainty and faith (and how to get to certainty and faith when nothing is certain), and to morph yourself into the kind of leader you are here to be. To make the difference you're here to make. To stand the test of time. To make sustainable choices, (even if they are hard ones), and to move with confidence in any direction of your choosing, regardless of what the world thinks of your choices.

If you are in business, programmed to win will teach you what you need to know to become someone who is so free that people can't help but watch and listen, and to lead from uncertainty and intuition.

If you're a performer or athlete, Programmed to Win will help you create wins over time by up-leveling the way you look at your training, your opportunities, and your perceived failures. You will be able to walk into any performance and feel entirely at ease with whatever happens on the floor. You will know what to do with your energy.

If you’re experiencing hardship, and it feels like you can’t get a break, you my friend are in the perfect position to apply this work. There is everything to gain in learning and applying these skills in the most extreme circumstances. You will never forget, and never look a the world in the same way. If you can do this now, you can do anything.

If you're a curious seeker, and you'd like to improve the way you show up at work, in your personal relationships, and to taking care of the body your mind is housed within, (aka: your health), Programmed to Win will instruct you precisely on how to think so you're never afraid to say what you really mean, ask for what you want, negotiate, say no, set boundaries and assert them with your energy, and manifest ANYTHING you desire in this physical world.


 This is a course in FREEDOM.

The freedom to fulfil your potential.

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What I love about this course is how it’s becoming an ecosystem, a library, a life of it’s own. Since 2017, almost every year we’ve added new content to the course - deepening the insights and topics, and reporting back to you on what I’ve learned as my own life and business have exponentially shifted over time. This year 2021 will be no different. You will have access to the entire course that has been created up until now (and I know you’ll love seeing how universally what I taught back then still applies now - timeless coaching is what we’re all about here) and any updates in the future. Programmed to Win will be the resource and the refuge you can return to whenever you need it. (But once we’re done, my hope is that you’l come back in here and return to these timeless teachings to create all the goodness you want when you don’t need it - and if making things even better when you don’t need it sounds weird, get your ass in this course )

All the content that has previously been recorded will be released to you within a day of signing up to the course (I see you my binge-watching buddy).

Here’s what’s Included:

  • Online training sessions via videos and audio recordings.

  • Bonus training sessions for deeper assimilation of course material

  • Journalling prompts to excavate the inner-work for quantum shifts.

  • Practical, strategic and metaphysical resources to use, and re-use forever

  • Reprogramming tools & belief re-setting guides

  • Bonus content for dealing with adversities in life and business from a programmed to WIN mindset.

  • Lifetime access to our private membership area

  • …and a lifetime of free-thinking.

Here's to Winning, TO POWER, to an abundance of love, riches, astounding friendships, connections and opportunity, happiness, and vibrant health.

I’ll see you on the other side…


Everything you want
is so much closer
than you think.

Imagine where you could be in 90 days if you dropped all fear and doubt, and became instead, Programmed to Win.

Let me show you how

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Join our waitlist



    I can’t wait to see you there.

    Any questions? 

    Email my team at


    Hayley x x

    Hayley Carr: Leadership and Life Coach -