Afraid to share your work when terrible things are happening?
McDonald's doesn't close it's doors because there are terrible things happening in the world.
If you're a business owner right now, during the harrowing times when there's so much uncertainty, unrest, existential unease, disaster, destruction, and even personal crisis in your life...
“How you show up now, is how you show up every other time it matters too”. Hayley Carr - Life coach
Don't stop bringing your big-hearted, soul-led, beautiful work to the world at the risk of offending someone, or looking like you care more about yourself than the bigger world issues at heart.
We need you.
Earth needs you.
The people who have been affected need you.
This isn't about keeping an economy going. It's about remembering that if you're here to do good things in the world, we don't rise to the occasion, we sink to the level of our training.
Now is the time that what you bring matters.
If you're afraid to take up space right now, you'll be afraid to take up space everywhere when you're worried about something "bigger" happening.
When the shit hits the fan, we need you more than ever.
People who have been displaced need normality as well as safety and essentials.Earth needs you to show up in your power, making your difference, for the sake of the future of it.
We're in this for the long-game.
What the future looks like is uncertain, but what you can do right now is bring some goodness.
You're here to change things in YOUR own unique way. Now's not the time to stop. It's the time to create even more depth of meaning, devotion, purpose, and leadership.
Do what you need to do to take care of yourself. Cut out the noise. Rest. Cook. Drink tea. Write a letter. Talk to your loved ones. Get into the garden. Donate. Rest some more. Do what you need to do, and then, come back to the work you're bringing to the world.Bring it with your whole heart. Don't fade away into the distance.
Don't let the drama of your life get in the way of the gifts you can bring to others.
Create your own rhythms for showing up, with the bigger purpose at heart. No matter what.
Stay Curious, Stay open. The life you crave is so much closer than you think.
Hayley xx
P.S - If you're feeling terribly affected or anxious by what's going on in the world right now, in your personal world, on social media, or anywhere else, please take the best care of your energy right now. Really. We need you strong and supported. Reach out to the right people for help. Stay off the internet if that's what you need to do to get your nervous system back intact. Listen to what's important and forget the rest.
You are safe, you are loved, you are not alone. We will get through this together. You will come out of this somehow, stronger than before. I love you.
P.S. If you want to hear from me each week