What are your Energy Drains?

 Hayley Carr - Life coach. What are your Energy Drains? |  Photo Credit: Kerem Karaarslan / Unsplash


And a Big Beautiful Happy New Year to you, delightful one.

Welcome Back... Welcome Forward! It's 2015.

Now, Check in with yourself for a minute here sister. How are you actually feeling? Are You back at work? Right back in the swing?

Excited? Nervous? A little fearful of the space in front of you and all the things you want? Pushed? Rushed? Frustrated? Has the holiday vibe left you, or are you still fuelled by the inspired, refreshing sense of a clean slate that the new year brings?

The reason I ask, is because chances are, you're either being drained or energised by your life right now.

And it actually doesn't matter what you're feeling specifically - what matters is what you're doing about it. Your level of awareness.

At the end of last year, I felt like life came to a screeching crescendo. A lot of lesson-giving experiences were squished into those last precious days, and I know I'm not alone - the end of the year brings angst in a lot of cases. When a timer is set on when you wanted things done by, the closer it gets, the more intense the vibe.

Couple that with nearly everyone in the world celebrating the same end-date, and feeling equal parts relief and anticipation, and you have an Earth-sized pressure-cooker bubble around the galaxy.

Yep, that about describes it.

But of course, it's a choice to participate or not.

Here's how to start the opt-out process from the drama. Its a simple exercise that will take you less than two-minutes, and simultaneously open up more time and energy with no effort and make you more productive.

Hint: It starts with a willingness to be aware.


The List May Surprise You. Awareness Unlocks the Clarity Gate

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Enjoy this sweet little secret exercise, whenever, or wherever you please dear. It's a nomadic one.

And know this: the action you take from insight contains its value. So leave me a comment below (you have a scroll down a wee bit) and make a declaration. What are your top 3 on both sides? How do you feel now that you know? Once you know you will feel you can get a lot more done.

Here is the content of the video.

This is a quick exercise in awareness, it's a practice that once cultivated has a side effect of space and time in your life.

It's called

the energizing and draining list,

Now it is really simple.

And when you're feeling like things are a little bit out of flow, or you want to feel more energized, or you want to feel you have more time. It's important to focus on what's energizing you. What's energizing you will be different each moment, day to day, week to week.

So I encourage you to do this list called energizing and draining list.

You take a piece of paper, draw a line down the middle, write on one side, Energizing and the other side, Draining. You just list on each side, exactly that, what's energizing you and what's draining you.

Now the awareness part comes from being aware of what's actually draining you and it can be surprising.

Sometimes what is draining us is our partner or our best friend, or our home, or our office, or our dog.

Don't feel bad about whatever is on the list and it will change, it's just a practice of being aware and going OK that is actually draining me right now, acknowledging it, being present with it so you can move forward.

It's a simple exercise I highly encourage you to do it whenever you're feeling a little bit off kilter or even when you're not, just to be aware, and then look at the things that are energizing you at the moment and of course do more of them.

Now I want to hear from you. Once you've done this activity - just go and do it right now. It would take me two minutes. Come back and let me know what's energizing you, the top three things, and the top three things that are draining you. Don't feel bad about whatever it is that's draining you, and it might be someone that you really love and it's okay, just acknowledge it and you don't even have to tell them.

Enjoy the exercise if you liked this video please share them with your friends. this is a great exercise for anyone that has got a lot going on.

Wishing you bar-raising clarity as we welcome in the Fresh Year, and sending you bucketloads of love.

Hayley x x