What are your Energy Drains?

Excited? Nervous? A little fearful of the space in front of you and all the things you want? Pushed? Rushed? Frustrated? Or are you still fueled and inspired?

The reason I ask, is because chances are, you're either being drained or energised by your life right now. When you become aware of what drains you - it can be liberating and allow you to get more done.

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Anxiety: Gone in a Heartbeat

Needless Anxiety. Neurologically, there's something that's causing you to have these thoughts and feelings. A few butterflies in the tummy are a good thing. It means you're living at your edge, and you're about to expand.But when butterflies turns to bricks, we're letting our internal world run wild, and possibly work against us.

Next time you feeling anxious about something I want you to stop and ask yourself something and then do this process.

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You'll Never Have Time If You Keep Making This Mistake

I used to live with a consistent heavy knot in my stomach. I was a high achiever, who took pride in taking on, and successfully completing, a lot. Which means I took on a lot. It made me feel great to have a full, busy life with lots of aspirations.

I realised the constant knot in my stomach was linked to a feeling of anxiety around not getting things done, or, things going wrong.

Here's a simple, effective change you can implement now, that's going to revolutionise your experience of time:

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How to be Vulnerable in Relationships

Sometimes being vulnerable is exposing a weakness that some might take advantage of sometimes. In relationship it's a different story. Learning to give yourself permission to say what you really think, moment to moment, will change your relationships, the way you communicate with people, your general feeling of connection, and your overall sense of fullfilment in life. And that will change everything.

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How to Take a Leap of Faith

It was sitting right in front of me, with the easy button right across the top. But it was an investment that I didn’t want to front. A few thousand dollars.

Fear doesn’t show up any differently in round 2: Next Level. It feels the same. It feels the gosh damn same. New level, New devil as they say.

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What to Do with a Broken Heart: 5 Tips to Enhance your Heartstrings.

What followed... was something that resembled my heart being vacuumed out of my chest, through my nose, dragging my stomach and intestines with it - and my voice box - and most of the oxygen in my lungs. And in a heartbeat it was all swept away from underneath me with a giant wave that changed my future again. Gone.

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2 Insider-Secrets from Marie Forleo that Changed my Life...

Marie Forleo taught me 2 (+1 extra) tips back when I did B-School (for the first time) in 2012, that have helped shape and change my life every single day. It's what keeps me productive and moving towards the big things that are outside my comfort zone, and kick any negative habits or limiting beliefs to the curb. (What a legend!)

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8 Mindset Patterns that Give you More Options in Life

...and How to Not Suck at Life...

I live my life by this distinction; I Filter for Lessons. So while drivin’ down the highway for hours on end from northern Australia, I filtered. I wanted to define for you what, at the core, are the differences that make the difference between people who can flow through every crazy high and low, and people who get affected by the slightest hiccup. And here’s what I found.

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Are you always achieving your goals, or waiting for Permission?

Have you ever felt like you know what you need to be doing, but you’re just not darn-well doing it? Like you need more…. discipline or something.

I am saying to stop thinking that you need to figure your shit out before you can get started and realize that those big goals and you being who you need to be comes down to you, and you can start right now. You don't have to wait.

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How To Get Selfish Right: Part 2

Here I redefine selfish and how you can show up better to the world and have people encourage you to be selfish. We are going to take a deep look inside of your psychology around how you are currently programmed to think about the type of activity I gave you last week. And re-work it.

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It's Back Online... But she's not coming home.

….when I realised my biggest opportunity for growth is not going home and "ending the adventure", getting back to the real world, but expanding and diving head first into what I know is possible. I have no idea where this is going to lead me. But I know it's right. This is my real world. Right Now.

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Why Intuition Sux.....

If you're at the moment, at a little bit of a fork in the road and you're wanting to make the next decision, and your intuition maybe speaking up. My message is just listen up and go with it, you're not necessarily going to know what's around the corner. Sometimes the answer is not what you want to hear and you just have to go with it and trust that everything is going to be okay because you're following your highest self.

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