Posts in Superfreak Podcast
Keep the Holiday Alive

In this episode, I share with you how to keep the holiday alive long after the holiday is over and how you can wake up excited about your day instead of it feeling like a massive mental slog.

I talk all about anchoring and how these neurological stimulated connections can be used to trigger us into holiday mode or out of holiday mode.

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The Superfreak Secret to Sustainable Success

What does success look like for you? How you want to live your life and the achievements you’re chasing are unique to you, but the way you achieve the success is universal.

It’s really simple…..Don’t stop.

If you can reframe and start to enjoy your process and the journey, you’re going to have a whole lot more fun and ultimately, success will probably be achieved a lot quicker.

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How to Become an Energetic Match to the Things You Want

What is the thing you want?….What do you really really want? All you need to do is align yourself and get in flow. Here is an easy way for you to do that.

I share some practical hacks on how you can start reframing your mindset and shift your fears of what could go wrong. What if it all went right? It’s not about what you do, it’s about what you feel about what you do.

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I Love Being an Adult

When I was a kid, I couldn’t wait to grow up so I could finally do what I wanted when I wanted to. As adults, however, we don’t always have this freedom. OR DO WE?

This episode is all about reframing the limitations of responsibilities and pressure that come with being an adult and start looking at things with that childlike playfulness again.

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Female Breadwinners Don’t Have to Carry the Mental Load

We get to choose how we live our lives and in this episode I’m going to unpack the topic of female breadwinners and debunk some of the reasons why there is so much guilt, resentment and bitterness attached to the idea.

I’m going to let you in behind closed doors and get quite personal.

It’s time we stop feeling guilty for living the life we want to live.

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Reset Your Nervous System

We’re all carrying extra stress at the moment. No matter how you operate under stress, at some stage your body needs some down time.

Here are some tips on how to transition out of fight or flight mode and into rest and restore.

When your body in a constant state of stress and running on adrenaline, it places places your mind and body under an unhealthy amount of pressure. It’s time to take care of yourself and thrive.

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Quantum Physics of Money

I’m going to unpack how our thoughts, feelings and beliefs about money impact the manifestation of it in our reality. If you believe that money doesn’t grow on trees, that will become your physical experience.

What if you believed something different?

Whatever it may be, you create your reality with your thoughts and beliefs about life. Perhaps it’s time to think again.

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How to Change Someone’s Mind

I’m going to challenge you yet again to EXPAND YOUR THINKING.

At the moment there seems to be many polarising opinions and a divide amongst the human race. So what do you do to get someone else to see your side?…. But perhaps the answer is not so much about convincing the other person of your truth, but about evolving beyond arguments and debate to a space of safety and mutual understanding.

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Life is Like the Ring

There are moments in life when things can become abundantly clear, our priorities are aligned and purpose is reframed.

But why wait for those monumental moments? Why not reflect now and live the life you’ve always wanted to live?

Life can change in an instant but you don’t have to wait for those moments to review your life and start being the person you want to be.

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Help! Lost my Creativity (A Guide)

So how do you fire up creativity when you’re stuck between four walls?

Here are some really practical tips on how to find that spark again, even during this crazy period of a global pandemic. You’ll also learn an invaluable tool to reignite the state of creativity within your body.

This is something that, if made a habit, will completely change the way you function as a creative being.

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Power Over Drama. Emergencies Require Calm

Life brings us enough drama but we only add fuel to the fire when we go into stress and fretful thinking. I believe there is a more sustainable option…. A way of thinking and responding from a place of solidarity, able to focus on the task at hand and be present in each moment.

In this episode, Power Over Drama. Emergencies Require Calm - I’m going to help you unleash your superpower. The superpower of calm.

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There is No Half Way Believing

You know the things you believe to be true about yourself and about life affect every decision you make. So how do we start fully believing something so that it permeates every area of our lives?

In this episode you’ll learn how to discern when your beliefs aren’t fully aligned and how simple it is to transform your thoughts and tap into a greater flow for your life.

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How to Form or Clarify an Opinion

….So when someone else challenges that belief system, it has the potential to shake the very core of who we are.

Most people don’t like being shaken to the core. It’s uncomfortable, it’s confronting and unravelling and therefore it’s one of the most bravest things you could ever do.... To have a well formed opinion, we must take our natural belief system and question if the opposite could be true.

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