Corporate Leadership Coaching
“Leaders Eat Last” - Simon Sinek.
My corporate leadership coaching is, like everything else I do, not for the faint of heart.
As a 9-time world champion martial artist, I know the value of precision, and I value the precision of coaching. When you coach with me, there’s no fluff. We go straight to the heart (of the matter), and we get results, because myself, and the teams I work with, are unafraid of breaking a few noses to get the result. Metaphorically, of course!
Companies need happy team members to thrive and be sustainable long into the future. Your people are the touchpoint for your clients or customers. Every touchpoint counts. I’ll say that again. Every touchpoint counts.
Companies who don’t care about their culture will not survive the next generation.
Team members (I don’t call them “staff”) need to feel seen, heard, and understood. They need a commitment to a vision for themselves, a vision that aligns with your company’s vision and the work they do for you. They need to feel they can contribute to this vision.
Happy team members are team members who have a healthy work-life integration. They need to know their personal world is supported and respected by their work culture. Get that right and they will bend over backward, stay late, arrive early, and go the extra mile for the work they’re proud of, and a company they are committed to serving and fighting for, long-term.
People are no longer willing to work endlessly without feeling appreciated, heard, and respected. They do it, but it doesn’t last. This is where the problems start.
Leaders must be willing to receive coaching for themselves if they expect changes from their team. I don’t work with a team unless I’m working with the leader as well. We have to inspect what we expect.
This is why my coaching is not for the faint of heart - and exactly why it works.
Don't expect a pre-planned powerpoint presentation, pamphlets, or posters for the office.
None of that matters.
Do expect real, raw, honest feedback.
Questions that might make me look stupid at first, but a willingness (from me) to get to the heart of the matter by asking anyway.
Fearless coaching, and massive cultural change and results, one person at a time.
As a result of working with me:
Some of your employees may decide the best thing they can do for your company is to quit their jobs.
You may realise you need to drastically change the way you show up for your team to get the results you expect from them.
But on the other hand, you will also get to the heart of what drives the results - with elegance, simplicity, and finesse.
You’ll also understand deeply, how to motivate yourself, as well as your team, in healthy ways, and through making every touchpoint count - in what feels like a heartbeat - you will completely transform the internal culture of your company.
If your team leaders are not willing to experience coaching with me and think it’s something reserved for the minions, we’re not a fit.
If you’re the leader of a team, reading this, and you think you are not the one who needs coaching - I invite you to get in touch with me. Because you’re likely at the centre of the problem. I can help. (Told you I don’t mess around)
And, if your leaders are excited about the prospect of sparking new energy and understand their responsibility to the people they serve - we should talk.
It doesn’t matter where your company results and culture sit on the scale right now. Whether you’re looking for reserves of fuel to add to an already raging fire so it burns long into the future, or you’re desperately rubbing twigs together praying for a spark, I can help.
All that matters is, are you willing to do the uncomfortable work of change, to not only survive, but thrive?
If the answer is a resounding yes - even if that scares the stilettos off you right now, get in touch. I want to have a powerful conversation with you. Then, we can tailor-make a coaching program to suit your entity.
Contact us on the form below