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Leadership is like melted chocolate

…over fresh strawberries. Fame is a lot like bacon.

Is it leadership you want? Or fame?

Fame is a lot like bacon; tasty, but processed.

In a day and age where;

- anyone with a camera and a social media account can become a model,
- the most random comments can go "viral",
- we're being watched on CCTV constantly, and
where toilet paper stocks can go through the roof overnight...

Leadership can become lost in our constant, unconscious awareness that "people are watching" and contort your intentions to be more self-serving than service-oriented.

Our need to look good can engulf our sense of doing what's right if it's hard or uncomfortable to listen to or look at.

Our humanity can become outstripped by our need to fit in.

Our awareness of the impact of our actions lessens as we focus on fame over leadership.

And we're all doing it at times.

If you're ever wondering who will see what you're doing, and it makes you slightly change the way you word something, you're moving down the scale of leadership towards fame-focused.

If you don't wanna admit when;

- you've messed up,
- you don't know, or
- you're not the best.
When what you're saying, didn't come from you and still you don't wanna acknowledge who said it because it makes you sound "better" to simply have that opinion...

..you're slipping down that slope towards fame focused.

When what you're doing with your leadership position is more self-serving than service-oriented - bye bye!

Down you go.

People never forget how you make them feel.

You won't be remembered for fame alone.

Fame will not change the world. You will influence, yes. You will inspire, maybe. But you will not be guaranteed a seat at a table of leadership simply because you are liked and enjoyed by many people.

Fame does not equal leadership, but your leadership will certainly influence your fame.

Whether your leadership is powerful, or it sucks dong, it will be remembered.

Place your efforts and energy into becoming a powerful, authentic leader, and the world will be better off for it. No matter who or what or where you're leading.

Great leadership is like melted, organic (dairy-free if you please) chocolate over fresh strawberries. You'd go to bed with it, pour it on your lover, eat it any time of the day, and it's a delicious experience.

Have the courage to be disliked,

- to look crazy,
- to be wrong, or
- to fail.

Have the humility;

- to admit when you're wrong, or you don't know,
- to apologise when you've screwed up,
- to express your vulnerabilities and
- listen to others.

Be unapologetic about everyone's freedom as much as your own.

Be willing to open up the space for more and more people to become the best ahead of you. Keep yourself in the ring, but keep expanding whose in there with you - for the betterment of humanity. Create leaders, not followers.

Take responsibility for your decisions and your actions.

Question always, how you can improve;

- yourself, your systems,
- your structures,
- your communication,
- your teams,
- your family life,
- your energy,
- your impact, and
- your own leadership

before you blame another.

Tell the truth, and expect nothing but the truth from others. Even or especially when it hurts you.

Living with yourself any other way is agony.

Lead, from the inside out.

The way you show up for you, all the way out to the way you show up for the world.

 Stay Curious, Stay open. The life you crave is so much closer than you think.


Hayley xx

Any thoughts? Please comment at the bottom.

P.S - NLP gives you the skillset of leadership.

The Be Your Own Coach NLP Immersive begins soon, and we already have people from all over the world joining us! 

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