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Worried this is not going to last?

Worried you might be the flavour of the month?

So, you're on a good wicket, are you?

Things going super well? Selling out? Promotions? Leadership? Accolades and gratitude rolling in? Recommendations and referrals happening without your awareness? Rave Reviews? Top performance scores? Someone sexy flooding your inbox with attention?

You've been working long at it, I know. 

All those hours people don't see. All those scary, awkward risks you took that nobody knew about that cost you money and time, and didn't always work. Things that failed occasionally, but you swept them away with lessons, and kept your head up. Those moments you worried about what people would think of you for being so out there with what you're doing, only to recognise that nobody actually noticed at all...

The consistency. The silenced internal drama. The relentlessness of pursuit, the vulnerability hangovers - amongst holding it down for your nearest and dearest.

And here you are, with a few well-deserved wins, acting all humble now - like a Stoic, Buddhist, Dalai Lama, Zen-master who lets it all ride like a wave and do what it needs to do, without so much as causing a ripple in your sense of self.I can see through it.

You're telling yourself you're just the flavour of the month. They'll get over you, and you'll go back to being regular and a bit insignificant, that person they skim over when they're looking for some kind of support or inspiration in favour of someone more Instagram-faced. Or louder. Or more confrontational. Or more willing to play dirty.

There you go. Palming off every wonderful thing you've ever done to get you to this moment in a feigned attempt to mask your fear that this is all just a fluke, and soon enough, things will go back to "normal."

Your income will dip back down, the spotlight will be off you, your 15-minutes of fame will be over, and you may even still need to go and get an actual real job or something else to supplement your retirement - and you'll discover that he's into you for one thing. 

Well, just, no. I won't have it 

This is called imposter syndrome, masked as humility. And if, secretly, on the inside you do feel this sense of holding it all very much only just together, and if someone sneezes it could come tumbling down again so you better not actually enjoy it too much - this is for you.

 You are not the flavour of the month. 

This is a new normal.

This gets to be your new bottom-line. 

You don't get out of bed for less-than this now, that is if you choose it.

You've been at this for a long time, and you deserve every bit of the good that's here. This is not a fluke.

What this is, is you, trying to protect yourself, just in case it's actually what you think is success, disguised as a moment of FEAST before the FAMINE. 

And you know what makes sure it stays this way?

Your decision. YOU DECIDE this is a new normal. You get your whole ass behind it and make the choice to keep it here, in a way that feels easier than doing anything else. 

Will people come and go? Yes. Can we control that? No. But what is within your control is understanding that you've built a stream that will continue to flow. The groundwork is done. You can step it up to let go of being the person who is "on their way" and stay in "I am here" now.

It will continue to flow, so long as you allow it. Stay here. With this. 

Stay Curious, Stay open. The life you crave is so much closer than you think.


Hayley xx

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