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Live the Life You Want - Starting Now...

Merry Christmas! I hope wherever you are, and whatever you are doing, you are taking some time to reflect and regroup for the year ahead. Now is the perfect time to do so - the energy of the Christmas holidays is so vibrant with celebrations and new beginnings, so give yourself the amazing gift of quality time - with yourself, and with loved ones - be they human or animal or otherwise - to start thinking about what you want for this coming year.

Where will you be in 20 years? Your body goes towards what it knows, and this is the power of visualization. If twenty years is too far away let’s break it down to thinking about what your ideal day looks like. What are you doing? How does it feel? Who are you with? What are you eating? How do you feel? Write it down. Then get some images or photos and of these things and create your vision board.

Put your vision board in a place you will see often. The more your brain sees what you want the more your brain will search for opportunities to get those things.

My advice to you when doing this exercise is not to judge yourself or what you want and have patience.

May you always do those things that scare you.

Stay Curious, Stay open. The life you crave is so much closer than you think.

Lots of Love, Hayley xx

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